SMS statistics and why SMS messaging is important

The numbers and facts in this article will blow your mind away. It will become clear to you how important sms marketing is for a business. Please, read on for the facts and numbers.

SMS Statistics

Facts and numbers about SMS marketing that you may not be aware of.

8.3 trillion

messages will be sent this year.

23 billion

messages per day.

16 million

messages per minute.

Texting is still the most widely used application on the phone.

Text messages have 98% open rate.

Text messaging has an average of 45% response rate.

Text messages are read on average in under 5 seconds.


It takes 90 minutes on average to respond to an email, while it only takes 90 seconds to respond to a text message.

Women text 14% more than men.

80% of people are using texting for business.

One in five consumers prefer a text message rather than a phone call from a business.

More than 33% of business professionals usually respond to a text message within 15 minutes from receiving it.

Prospects who are sent text messages have a conversion rate of 40% higher in comparison to the ones who do not receive a text message.

75%  of consumers prefer businesses to send them an offer via a text message instead of another method.